*忿怒金刚核 Wrathful King Kong Core


忿怒金刚核 Wrathful King Kong Core

三维动画装置/3D animation installation

陆扬 作品 by Lu Yang


艺术家 作品解释:

末法時代,眾生剛強難調伏,福德薄弱而業障深重,心性 不定 , 忿怒本尊之威猛事業能降伏一切邪魔外道,其大悲 猛火無余燒毀一切粗暴猛厲的眾生 ,表面忿怒可怖之相, 實則佛陀大悲之心,死者見之,應無所畏懼,因已無肉身, 故無所傷害。

當標誌憤怒的感覺刺激進入大腦時,信息首先傳到丘腦 , 傳入杏仁核的憤怒信息激活杏仁核,杏仁核進行加工會依 次激活一系列腦結構。他們負責把神經信號轉化成憤怒的 動作表達。

此項目就是一個將宗教本尊忿怒觀與科學理論上的人類憤 怒情緒反射機制相重合的愚蠢之作。

特别感谢:姚大钧老师 为核心作品忿怒金刚核配乐

Statement from the Artist:

In Dharma-ending times, when all living things are unruly, afflicted with hubris, kindness and morality fade, evil and sin prevail, and none comprehend their true nature. The wrathful deities, beholden to their duty, shall vanquish all demons, and with their merciful fire, destroy all evil beings, leaving none behind. Though their wrathful visages may terrify, they are an expression of the Buddha’s infinite mercy. When the dead look upon them, they need not fear, for they are not corporeal, and no harm can befall them.

When the first signs of anger reach the human brain, the information is first transmitted to the hypothalamus. This activates the amygdalae to carry out certain processes, which in turn set off a chain reaction by activating a number of other structures in the brain. These structures are responsible for transforming nerve signals into visible expressions of anger.

This project is a foolhardy attempt to superimpose religious concepts of wrathful deities onto scientific theories of the brain’s anger response mechanisms.

Special thanks to Mr.Yao Dajuin ( sound track for Wrathful king kong core )

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